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Recently added
- Coca-Cola Conversations: http://www.coca-colaconversations.com/
- Graco Blog: http://blog.gracobaby.com/ (disclaimer: client)
- Kodak’s A Thousand Words Blog: http://1000words.kodak.com/
- Kodak’s A Thousand Nerds Blog: http://1000nerds.kodak.com/
- Delta Airlines — Under the Wing: http://blog.delta.com/
- Quixtar’s Opportunity Zone — http://www.opportunityzone.com/ (disclaimer: client)
- Dell’s Direct2Dell in Chinese — http://chinese.direct2dell.com/Default.aspx
- Dell’s Direct2Dell in Spanish — http://dellendirecto.com/Default.aspx
- Johnson & Johnson: JNJ BTW — http://www.jnjbtw.com/
- Yahoo!’s Yodel Anecdotal — http://yodel.yahoo.com
- LinkedIn — http://blog.linkedin.com/
- SUPERSEED (charity blog, Asia) — http://www.superseed.org
- St. Adrian’s Reachout Centre (charity blog, India) — http://www.muttom.com
- Crane Mitel (UK): Crane Mitel Team Blog —http://blog.cranemitel.co.uk/
Also see new listing of Australian businesses who blog, podcast and the consultants who service them.
Lee, 9th March 2006
THE LIST (it’s a work in progress, really)
- 136 organizations @ February 4, 2008
- If you want to have your weblog listed, please send an e-mail to Constantin Basturea (cbasturea at gmail.com) with the URL of your blog. If you want to become an editor, let me know and I’ll send you an edit password (yes, wikispam is the culprit).
- 92nd Street Y — http://blog.92y.org/
- Accenture Blogs — http://www.accenture.com/Global/Research_and_Insights/Accenture_Blogs/
- Accenture Netherlands: Accenture BlogPodium — http://blogs.accenture.nl/BlogPodium/
- Adobe — http://blogs.adobe.com/
- ANA: Association of National Advertisers- http://www.ana.net/blog/
- architel — http://news.architel.com/
- Arla (Denmark): Arla Weblogs
- Ask.com: Ask Jeeves Blog — http://blog.ask.com/
- Associates Consulting Group (investment banking) — http://associatesconsultinggroup.blogspot.com/
- Autodesk: Autodesk Blogs — http://blogs.autodesk.com/
- BMC Software — http://talk.bmc.com/blogs/
- bellobene (Germany) — http://bellobene.typepad.com/bellobeneblog/
- Bocada: The Bocada Blog — http://www.bocadablog.com
- Boeing: Randy’s Journal — http://www.boeing.com/randy/
- Boeing: Flight Test Journal — http://www.boeing.com/commercial/777family/200LR/flight_test/index.html
- The test pilots blog the Boeing 777 airliner as they prepare it for commercial service
- Brains on Fire — http://www.brainsonfire.com/blog
- Breukelman Kubista Group (Marketing Agency): Fresh Glue — http://www.freshglue.com
- b-spirit.com — http://b-spirit.com/blog/index.php (business blogs consultancy)
- BT Business Blog (UK) — http://blog.btbroadbandoffice.com/
- BzzAgent (word-of-mouth agency): Inside BzzAgent — BeeLog — http://blog.bzzagent.com/
- Burson-Marsteller: E-fluentials Blog — http://blog.efluentials.com/
- Butler Sheetmetal Ltd., Planters Direct (UK): The Tinbasher Blog — http://www.butlersheetmetal.com/tinbasherblog/ (sheet metal industry)
- Cape Clear Software — http://www.capeclear.com/annrai/
- Cheskin — http://weblog.cheskin.net/
- Cincom Systems — Blog directory: http://www.cincom.com/global/eng/blogs/
- Cisco Worldwide Government Affairs’ High Tech Policy Web Log — http://www.cisco.com/gov/blog/
- CMS Consultants — CMS Consultants Buzz: http://blog.cmsconsultants.com/ (CMS products and news in the shipping management industry)
- Coca-Cola — Coca-Cola Conversations: http://www.coca-colaconversations.com/
- Cohesion (workplace communications) — plaintalk: http://plaintalk.typepad.com/blog/
- Commodity Warrants Australia: Commodities Corner — http://cwa.blogs.com/ (investment firm)
- Compuware — http://blogs.compuware.com/cs/
- Cornell University: Cornell.edu Redesign — http://web.cornell.edu/redesign/blog/
- Crane Mitel (UK): Crane Mitel Team Blog —http://blog.cranemitel.co.uk/
- Creative Capital Associates, Inc. (commercial financing): Art of Factoring — http://www.ccassociates.com/blog/
- Cushman/Amberg Communications: Robert Amberg, Vice President – St. Louis — http://transomblog.blogspot.com
- Cymfony: Marketing Insight — http://www.cymfony.blogs.com
- DataDirect Technologies — http://blogs.datadirect.com/ (standards-based data access components)
- Del.icio.us — http://blog.del.icio.us/
- Delta Airlines — Under the Wing: http://blog.delta.com/
- Dell: Direct2Dell — http://direct2dell.com/one2one/default.aspx
- Dell’s Direct2Dell in Chinese — http://chinese.direct2dell.com/Default.aspx
- Dell’s Direct2Dell in Spanish — http://dellendirecto.com/Default.aspx
- DigitalGrit — http://digitalgrit.typepad.com (interactive marketing)
- DotCommerce Romania: http://blog.dotcommerce.ro/
- Earthlink:
- Earthlink Protection Blog — http://www.protectionblog.net
- Earthling — http://blogs.earthlink.net/index.html
- Edelman (public relations):
- Richard Edelman, President & CEO: 6 am — http://www.edelman.com/speak_up/blog/
- Christopher Hannegan, SVP, U.S. Director of Employee Engagement: Employee Engagement — http://www.edelman.com/speak_up/empeng/
- Edelman Korea: The PR Catalyst — http://edelman.co.kr/blog/edel-blog.html
- EDS (Electronic Data Systems Corp.): EDS’ Next Big Thing Blog — http://www.eds.com/sites/cs/blogs/eds_next_big_thing_blog/default.aspx
- Emerson Process Management — http://www.emersonprocessxperts.com/
- Entrust (secure digital identities & information):
- Voice on Identity — Chris Voice, VP of Technology: https://blog.entrust.com/voiceonidentity/
- Compliance and Content Analysis Blog — Sue Abu-Hakima: http://blog.entrust.com/compliance/
- ePromos: Everybody Loves Free Stuff — http://blog.epromos.com/
- Export Development Bank of Iran — http://edbi.persianblog.com/
- Forrester Research:
- Charlene Li’s Blog — http://blogs.forrester.com/charleneli/
- Josh Bernoff and Ted Schadler: Devices, Media, And The Future Of Everything — http://blogs.forrester.com/devicesmedia/
- Forrester’s Marketing Blog — http://blogs.forrester.com/marketing/
- Fortee International (Austria) — http://www.fortee.com/blog
- General Motors:
- GM FastLane blog — http://fastlane.gmblogs.com
- GM Smallblock engine blog — http://smallblock.gmblogs.com
- FYI Blog — http://fyi.gmblogs.com/
- The Gilbane Report: Gilbane Report Blog — http://gilbane.com/blog/ (content management technologies)
- The Global Institute for Leadership Development: The GILD Blog — http://www.gildblog.com/
- Google Blog — http://www.google.com/googleblog/
- Graco Blog: http://blog.gracobaby.com/ (disclaimer: client)
- Gridpatrol GmbH (Germany) — http://weblog.gridpatrol.de/
- GUINNESS: The Guinness Blog — http://www.guinnessblog.co.uk/
- Hass MS&L: BlogWorks- http://www.mslpr.com/blogworks (public relations)
- Hill & Knowlton — Collective conversation (blogging community): http://blogs.hillandknowlton.com/blogs
- Hitachi Data Systems: Hu Yoshida’s Blog — http://blogs.hds.com/hu/
- HP blogs (index) — http://devresource.hp.com/blogs/index.jsp
- IBM:
- developerWorks Community (blog index) — http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/index.jspa
- GameTomorrow — http://www.gametomorrow.com/blog/
- HealthNex (IBMers On The Building Blocks of Connected Care) — http://www.healthnex.typepad.com/
- Mainframe — http://www.mainframe.typepad.com/
- Intuit: QuickBooks Community (blog directory) http://www.quickbooksgroup.com/webx/blogs/
- Ipswitch (collaboration, file transfer, network monitoring):
- The Ipswitch — http://blogs.ipswitch.com/
- The Ipswitch Podcast — http://blogs.ipswitch.com/podcast/
- iUpload (web content management):
- Robin Hopper, iUpload InSights Blog — http://hopper.iuplog.com/
- Dave Carter, Web Strategies and other ramblings — http://carter.iuplog.com/
- Anita Zuzul, Inside iUpload — http://anita.iuplog.com/
- Aaron Fleming, There’s no place like — http://aaron.iuplog.com/
- Robin Dindayal, What We Do in Life Echoes in Eternity — http://dindayal.iuplog.com/
- Bob Royce, Bob’s Blog — http://royce.iuplog.com/
- Sara Kupusa, sara.kupusa(at)iupload.com — http://sara.iuplog.com/
- Jambo Networks: Face-to-Face — http://www.jambo.net/web-site/page?page=Blog.vm (wireless technology )
- Jaya: The Jaya Tea Blog — http://www.jayateas.com/blog/
- JotSpot blog — http://blog.jot.com/ (wiki software)
- Johnson & Johnson: JNJ BTW — http://www.jnjbtw.com/
- Jupiter Research Analyst Weblogs (index) — http://weblogs.jupiterresearch.com/toplevel/
- Kelkoo (Yahoo! Shopping in France): Le Blog de Kelkoo — http://www.kelkooblog.com
- KowaBunga! Technologies Corporate Weblog — http://blog.kowabunga.com
- LinkedIn — http://blog.linkedin.com/
- Kodak’s A Thousand Words Blog: http://1000words.kodak.com/
- Kodak’s A Thousand Nerds Blog: http://1000nerds.kodak.com/
- Linklaters (Sweden) — http://www.linklatersblogg.se
- Macaw Netherlands — http://www.macaw.nl/Weblogs.aspx (internet solutions)
- Macromedia:
- Mike Downey, Macromedia Flash Product Manager — http://www.markme.com/md/
- Christophe Coenraets, Macromedia Flex Product Evangelist — http://coenraets.com/index.jsp
- John Dowdell, Macromedia Community Manager — http://www.markme.com/jd/
- Waldo Smeets, Sales Engineer — http://www.waldosmeets.com/
- Mike Chambers, Product Manager, Developer Relations — http://www.markme.com/mesh/
- Ben Forta, Macromedia MX Senior Technical Evangelist — http://www.forta.com/blog/
- Christian Cantrell, Community Manager — http://www.markme.com/cantrell/
- Scott Fegette, Macromedia Community Manager — http://www.macromedia.com/go/blog_sfegette
- LogLogic (log data management and intelligence ): Logblog — http://blog.loglogic.com/
- Marqui’s World — http://www.marqui.com/blog/ (communication management system)
- The McGinn Group, LLC: New Persuasion — http://newpersuasion.typepad.com/new_persuasion/
- Media Catalyst (Netherlands & US) — http://blog.mediacatalyst.com/
- METROPLAN ORLANDO: MetroBlogOrlando — http://www.metroblogorlando.com/
- Microsoft:
- Microsoft Community Blogs Portal — http://www.microsoft.com/communities/blogs/PortalHome.mspx
- Heather’s «Marketing at Microsoft» Blog — http://weblogs.asp.net/heatherleigh/ (marketing, careers, recruiting)
- Technical Careers @ Microsoft Blog — http://blogs.msdn.com/jobsblog/
- Australian Microsoft Recruitment Web Log — http://weblogs.asp.net/ausjobblog/ (Recruiting)
- Developer and Tech-oriented blogs — http://blogs.msdn.com
- IT-oriented blogs — http://blogs.technet.com
- French Microsoft blogs — http://blogs.microsoft.fr
- Always Thinking: http://spaces.msn.com/members/always-thinking/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c= (Ken Moss, MSN Search general manager & Danny Glasser. Development Manager for MSN Messenger & Storage Services Team)
- Mindjet: The Mindjet Blog — http://blog.mindjet.com/ (software for visualizing and managing information)
- Monster Blog — http://monster.typepad.com/monsterblog/
- Nixon McInnes (UK): http://www.nixonmcinnes.co.uk/about-us/blog/
- Newsgator: Corporate RSS — Applied — http://sandyhamilton.blogs.com/corporate_rss_applied/
- Nooked — http://blog.nooked.com/ (RSS solutions)
- Novell, Inc.: Novel Open PR — http://www.novell.com/prblogs/
- NYSE Group: HybridTalk — http://hybridtalk.nyse.com
- O’Reilly: O’Reilly Radar — http://radar.oreilly.com (computer books, conferences, online publishing)
- One To One Interactive: OTOinsights — http://onetoone.blogs.com/weblog/ (Strategic Internet Marketing Services)
- openBC — http://blog.openbc.com/
- Oracle Executive Blogs (directory) — http://www.oracle.com/corporate/executive/blog/index.html
- The Otter Group — http://www.ottergroup.com/ (online learning programs online communities for businesses, associations, and hobbyist networks)
- Outsell (online media consulting) — http://now.outsellinc.com/
- Ozburn-Hessey Logistics: Warehousing and Distribution — http://thirdpartylogistics.blogspot.com/
- PalmSource Mobile Summit & DevCon 2005 — http://blogs.palmsource.com/devcon/
- Park City Mountain Resort, Park City, Utah — http://parkcity.typepad.com/
- Pheedo — http://www.pheedo.info/ (RSS Marketing Solutions)
- PricewaterhouseCoopers: Mohammed Amin — Finance and Treasury Blog — http://pwc.blogs.com/mohammed_amin/
- Quixtar’s Opportunity Zone — http://www.opportunityzone.com/
- Red Hat (Linux and open source technology provider):
- Red Hat Executives Blog — http://blogs.redhat.com/executive
- Red Hat People Blog — http://blogs.redhat.com/people
- Red Hat Intern Blog — http://blogs.redhat.com/intern/
- Red Hat Magazine Editor’s Blog — http://blogs.redhat.com/magazine/
- Rococo Software — http://rococosoft.com/weblog/index.html
- Ruckus Wireless: The Ruckus Blog — http://www.theruckusroom.com/
- RSA Security: Speaking of Security… — http://www.rsasecurity.com/blog/
- Salesforce.com — http://crmsuccess.blogs.com/
- SAP: The SAP Developer Network Blogs — https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs
- Savile Row Tailor Thomas Mahon (UK): English Cut — http://www.englishcut.com/ (hand tailoring)
- The Security Awareness Company (Interpact, Inc.): Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless — http://securityawareness.blogspot.com/
- Socialtext: Social Software Weblog — http://www.socialtext.com/weblog/ (wiki software)
- Spherion Career Blog — http://spherion.com/careerblog/
- Sprint: Things That Make You Go Wireless — http://businessblog.sprint.com
- Sterling International: bugBlog (manufacturer of pest control products)
- Strategic Board: http://www.strategicboard.com/weblog/
- Stone Creek Coffee Roasters — http://sccv3.stonecreekcoffee.com/blog.cfm
- Stonyfield Farm Blogs — http://www.stonyfield.com/weblog/
- Sun Microsystems: Sun Blogs — http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/media/blogs/index.html
- Sunbelt Software (security software) — http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/
- TaylorMade Tour Blog — http://www.taylormadeblogs.com/category/tour
- Telstra: nowwearetalking — http://www.nowwearetalking.com.au/Home/Page.aspx?mid=48
- Thomson.co.uk — http://thomsonholidays.blogs.com/my_weblog/
- Thomson Peterson’s: Syndication for Higher Ed — http://syndicateblog.petersons.com
- ThoughtWorks, Inc. (systems integrator): ThoughtBlogs — http://blogs.thoughtworks.com/
- Tivo: TiVo Blog — http://blog.tivo.com/tivo_blog/
- Tom Peters Company — http://www.tompeters.com/ (management consulting)
- TreeWorks (Romania): http://www.blog.tree.ro/en/
- U3:
- Kate’s Blog — http://katesblog.u3.com/
- U3 Developer Blog — http://devblog.u3.com/
- Verisign: Infrablog — http://infrablog.verisignlabs.com/ (Security — SSL Certificates, Payments, Communications, Directory Services)
- Voce Communications — http://vocenation.typepad.com/ (hi-tech PR)
- Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN — Walker Blogs: http://blogs.walkerart.org/index.wac
- Webmail.us: The Webmail Blog — http://betteremail.typepad.com/ (email services)
- WebSideStory: WebSideStory Customer Blog — http://blogs.websidestory.com/corporate/
- Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania: MBA Admissions Blog! — http://adcomblog.wharton.upenn.edu/admissions/
- X10 Wireless Technologies, Inc. — http://www.x10community.com
- XPLANE (information design):
- xBlog: http://xplane.com/xblog/, published since November 11, 1999
- bBlog: http://xplane.com/bblog/, published since December 13, 2000
- Yahoo!:
- Flickr Blog — http://blog.flickr.com/
- Yahoo! Publisher Network Blog — http://www.ypnblog.com/
- Yahoo! Search Blog — http://www.ysearchblog.com/
- Yodel Anecdotal (corporate blog) — http://yodel.yahoo.com
- Yellowfin Direct Marketing: A Fine Kettle of Fish — http://www.afinekettleoffish.blogspot.com/
Non-profit organizations
- Association of National Advertisers: ANA Marketing Maestros — http://ana.blogs.com/maestros/
- National Association of Manufacturers: Manufacturers Blog — http://blog.nam.org/
- SUPERSEED, a Singapore-based charity that plants new seeds in the community with superseded goods — blogging since 2005, founded by Michael Switow
- ST. ADRIAN’S REACHOUT CENTRE. The St. Adrian’s Reachout Centre provides children and widows from the tsunami-stricken coastal town of Muttom, India with a safe environment to learn new skills and build new lives. Here’s how we got started.
Sponsored blogs
- [BenettonTalk], a blog sponsored by Benetton — http://www.benettontalk.com/
Other resources:
- How Many Fortune 500’s Blogging? — Jeremy Wright, Ensight
- Business Blog Consulting — examples of business blogs
- A List of Business Blogs maintained by Darren Rowse
- Biz Blogs (sans Consultants), maintained by students from Auburn University
Recently added
- George F. Colony, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Forrester Research, «Counterintuitive» — http://blogs.forrester.com/colony/
- Philip Blumberg, founder and CEO, American Ventures — http://www.blumbergblog.com/philip_blumberg/ (disclaimer: client)
- Mike Critelli, Executive Chairman, Pitney Bowes, Inc., «Open Mike» — http://www.mikecritelli.com/
- Jim James, Director, EASTWEST PR (Singapore and China), «A Nice Little Business in China» — http://www.jimjames.cn/
- LAI Kok Fung, CEO, BuzzCity? Pte Ltd — http://gammalife.blogspot.com/
- Colin Byrne, CEO, Weber Shandwick UK — http://www.byrnebabybyrne.com/
- Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs — MarketingProfs Daily Fix
- J. Willard Marriott Jr., CEO, Marriott International — http://www.blogs.marriott.com/
- John Scherer, CEO & Founder, Video Professor — http://www.videoprofessor.blogspot.com/
- Rudi Fischer, CEO, Telekom Austria — http://rudifischer.telekom.at/
- David Armano, Creative VP, Digitas — http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/
- Greg Verdino, VP/Emerging Channels, Digitas — http://gregverdino.typepad.com/greg_verdinos_blog/
- Sab Kanaujia, VP, NBC Digital Media group — http://sabk.blogspot.com
- This is a list of weblogs authored by CEOs. Actually, this might be a misnomer. It’s a list of weblogs authored by people who are in a leadership position in various organizations (corporations, non-profit, etc.).
- 277 names @ February 1st, 2008
How to get your blog on the list
- Please send an e-mail to Constantin Basturea (cbasturea at gmail.com) with the following:
- the URL of your weblog and a link to your first posting
- the URL of your page on your corporate website
- if you have more than one blog, please pick the one that you want to be included in the list.
The list
- Mark Ranford, Stratagility
- Thomas N. Burg, Chief Technology Architect and CEO, Social Software Lab — blogging since March 10, 2002
- Rudi Fischer, CEO, Telekom Austria
- Philippe Allard, Altho
- Stefan Coucheir, Managing Marketeer, Antenno — blogging since January 14, 2005
- Pascal Leurquin, Evadix
- Bruno Segers, CEO, Microsoft in Belgium and Luxembourg — blogging since April 1, 2006
- Warren Bickford, Chairman, International Association of Business Communicators, blogging since April 6, 2005
- Stewart Butterfield, President, Ludicorp (Flickr) — blogging since May 4, 1998
- Robin Hopper, iUpload
- Jim Estill, CEO, SYNNEX Canada Ltd. — blogging since May 17, 2005
- Albert Lai, BubbleShare
- Dave Mowat, CEO, Vancity Credit Union — blogging since February 22, 2007
- Elliot Noss, Tucows Inc.
- Michael O’Connor Clarke, VP, Thornley Fallis
- Jim James, Director, EASTWEST Public Relations, blogging since February 2006
- Steen Enegaard, Director of Strategy and Development, Deducta — blogging since March 28, 2006
- Christian Lindholm, Director of Multimedia Applications, Nokia Ventures Organization
- Pierre Alzon
- Julien André, CarriereOnline.com
- Benoit Arson, Experiense
- Laurent Bervas, Flowaves
- Eric Blot, Awak’iT
- Patrice Cassard, Lafraise
- Sylvain de Campou, Web-audimat
- Bruno Couly
- Christophe Cousin, Cafe CRM
- Mihai Crasneanu, Glowria
- Helene Degroote, Helene Degroote Interior Design
- Benoit Desavoye, Haut Et Fort
- Laurent Deséchalliers, API Systems
- Ludovic Dubost, XPertNet, XWiki
- Christophe Ducamp, Elanceur
- Stephane Wharton, Selina Ebert, Blog Agency, Blog-art
- Jacques Froissant, Founder, Altaïde
- Guillaume du Gardier, Online Communications Director, Edelman Paris
- Rénald Giglione, Bellapix
- Christophe Ginisty, Founder, RUMEUR PUBLIQUE
- Daniel Glazman, Disruptive Innovations — blogging since Dec. 19, 2003
- Marc Goldberg, Occam Capital (in English)
- Michel de Guilhermier, Photoways
- Philippe Laferriere
- Jean-Christophe Latournerie, Mémo Technique
- Michel Edouard Leclerc, CEO, E. Leclerc
- Eric Maillard, Associate Director, Ketchum Paris
- Xavier de Mazenod, Adverbe
- Pierre Méchentel, Tubbydev
- Pascal Mercier
- Loic Le Meur, Six Apart Europe SA (in English) and in French
- Andy Mulholland, Global CTO, Gemini
- Mathieu Nouzareth, Boonty (in English)
- Romain Nouzareth, Boonty (in English)
- Philippe Pinault, CEO BlogSpirit, blogging (in French) since July 1, 2004
- Roland Piquepaille, Primidi (in English)
- Sebastien Pissavy, JeuxVideo
- Frederic Reiller, Lanquarem
- Rodrigo Sepulveda, RISC Partners (in English)
- Stephane Le Solliec, Meta Cites
- Netlex, Netlex
- Klaus Eck, Managing Director, econcon (in German) blogging since July, 2004
- Charles Fränkl, CEO, AOL Germany — blogging since May 1, 2006
- Lukasz Gadowski, Founder & CEO, Spreadshirt Inc. — blogging since February 16, 2005
- Dr. Marcel Reichart, Managing Director Marketing & Communications, Hubert Burda Media, blogging since April 3, 2005
- Stefan Tilkov, Managing Director, innoQ — blogging (in English) since February 23, 2003
- Oliver Wagner, Managing Director, augenmerk!(in German) blogging since August, 2004
- Stefan Wiskemann, CEO, 21Publish — blogging since October 19, 2004
- Mark Petenyi, Managing Director, EUROMARKNET — blogging since June 4, 2005
Hong Kong
- Jacques Kemp, CEO, ING Asia/Pacific
- Mafe de Baggis and Luca Vanzella, Partners, Daimon — blogging since September 29, 2000
- Marco Loguercio, founder & CEO, Sems (Italy) — blogging since January 10, 2005
- Mauro Lupi, President, Ad Maiora Spa — blogging since August 10, 2003
- Eugenio La Mesa, Founder and CEO, Salesware — blogging since March 14, 2005
- Federico Minoli, President, Ducati (Italy) — blogging since March 8, 2006
- Rajesh Jain, CEO of Netcore — blogging since May 21, 1997
- Dr. Vivekanand P Kochikar, Associate Vice President and Principal Consultant — KM, Infosys Technologies Ltd. — blogging since July 29, 2005
- George Eby Mathew, Principal & Head of IT management Research, at Infosys, — blogging since December 2004
- Dina Mehta, Explore Research & Consultancy — blogging since March 21, 2003
- Michele Neylon, CEO, Blacknight Internet Solutions, Ireland — blogging since November 30, 2003
- Paul Lanigan, Managing Director, The Sandler Sales Institute
- Dudu Mimran, CEO of Strategic Board — blogging since March 9, 2005
- Joichi Ito, President & CEO, Neoteny — blogging since July 1, 1993
- Takafumi Horie, CEO, Livedoor
The Netherlands
- Paul Molenaar, CEO, Ilse Media/Web-log.nl — blogging since May 24, 2005
- Hans Meijer, Director, DialogAMI (Publicis — Netherlands) — blogging since November 19, 2004
- Ron Tolido, VP, Capgemini Netherlands
New Zealand
- Rod Drury, CEO, AfterMail — http://www.drury.net.nz
- Wilson Ng, President and CEO, Ng Khai Development Corporation — blogging since September 3, 2004
- Radu Ionescu, Co-founder & Managing Director, Kinecto Permission Marketing (Romania) — blogging since September 2, 2005
- Orlando Nicoara, General Director, netBridge — blogging since January 30, 2006
- Dragos Novac, CEO, Krogos — blogging since February 12, 2004
- Vladimir Oane, CEO, Metromind — blogging since March 7, 2006
- Lai Kok Fung, CEO, BuzzCity Pte Ltd — blogging since February 2007
- Julio Alonso, Managing Partner — Intélica Venture Management (also in English) — blogging since November 13, 2003
- José A. del Moral, CEO, Alianzo Networks: blogging since February 17, 2005
- Jan Kilström, CEO, Nils Hansson — blogging since October 13, 2004
- Fredrik Wackå, CEO, W PR & Information — blogging at this blog since March 21, 2004
- Jerome Chevillat, I Feed You
- Roger Fischer, KAYWA
- Ralf Haller, CEO, Nice Ventures, Switzerland
- Olivier Tripet, B-Spirit
- Jürg Stuker, CEO, Partner, namics
- Ekim Nazim Kaya, Editor in chief, Telecom Turkey (telecommunication technologies magazine)
United Kingdom
- Colin Byrne, CEO, Weber Shandwick UK, blogging since March 15, 2007
- Richard Charkin, Chief Executive, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., blogging since December 12, 2005
- Jason Goldberg, CEO, Jobster — blogging since January 27, 2005
- Perry de Havilland, Partner, the Big Blog Company — blogging since June 6, 2003
- Dave Jennings, CEO, Envigour Systems Ltd. — blogging since June 13, 2005
- Chris Lewis, CEO, LEWIS PR, blogging since January 28, 2005
- Alan Moore, Managing Director, SMLXL — blogging since February 22, 2004
- Manoj Ranaweera, CEO, ebdex Ltd. (UK) — blogging since April 9. 2006
- JP Rangaswami, CIO, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, UK — blogging since February 28, 2006
- Mark Rogers, CEO, Market Sentinel — blogging since March 31, 2005
- David Tebbutt, Managing Director, Brainstorm Software
- David Terrar, Managing Director, D Squared C
- Simon Waldman, Director of Digital Publishing, Guardian Newspapers
- Paul Woodhouse, The Tinbasher
- David Upton, Director of Stirling Reid Limited
United States of America
- Joe Agliozzo, CEO, BetterPPC — blogging since May 10, 2004
- Paul Allen, Founding Partner, Infobase Ventures — blogging since May 2004
- Robert Amberg, Cushman/Amberg Communications, Vice President — blogging since April 17, 2006
- Scott Anderson, Director of shared content, Tribune Publishing and Interactive — blogging since April 28, 2004
- David Armano, Creative VP, Digitas
- Marc Babej, President, Reason Inc. — blogging since July 28, 2005
- John Bailey, President, John Bailey & Associates, Inc.
- Jeff Barson, CEO, Surface Medical Spas — http://www.medicalspasonline.com/
- Randy Baseler, VP of Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes — blogging since January 17, 2005
- Tiger Beaudoin, Vice President, Coalition Marketing, The Business Improvement Company — blogging since [[May 15, 2005]]
- Tom Berquist, CFO, Ingres
- Brock J. Blake, CEO, FundingUniverse.com
- Philip Blumberg, founder and CEO, American Ventures
- Matt Blumberg, CEO, Return Path — blogging since May 10, 2004
- Carole Brown, Chair, Chicago Transit Board — blogging since [[April 15, 2005]]
- Buzz Bruggeman, Founder, ActiveWords — blogging since January 10, 2002
- Harold Burson, Founding Chairman, Burson-Marsteller — blogging since February 15, 2006
- Jason McCabe Calacanis, Co-Founder & Chairman, Weblogs, Inc.
- Mark Carlson, CEO, SimpleFeed — blogging since September 24, 2004
- Brian Carroll, CEO, InTouch — blogging since Oct 31, 2003
- Jonathan Carson, CEO, BuzzMetrics — blogging since May 13, 2005
- Beth N. Carvin, Founder and CEO of Nobscot, blogging since August 23, 2002
- Karen Christensen, CEO, Berkshire Publishing Group — blogging since December 15, 2004
- David Churbuck, VP, Global Web Marketing, Lenovo — blogging since October 12, 2004
- Jeff Clavier, Managing Partner, SoftTech VC — blogging since July 22, 2004
- George F. Colony, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Forrester Research
- Henry Copeland, Founder, BlogAds — blogging since September 05, 2001
- Bob Cramer, President & CEO, LiveVault — blogging since June 3, 2005
- Colin Crawford, VP/Online, International Data Group — blogging since March 1, 2005
- Mike Critelli, Executive Chairman, Pitney Bowes, Inc. — blogging since June 12, 2007
- Michael M. Crow, Arizona State University President: The President’s Post — blogging since December 1, 2005
- Steve Cody, Managing Partner & Co-Founder, Peppercom — blogging since July 11, 2005
- Marc Cuban, HDNET & Dallas Mavericks — blogging since March 12, 2004
- Dave Dargo, CTO, SVP, Ingres Corporation — blogging since March 31, 2006
- Ross Dawson, CEO, Advanced Human Technologies — blogging since October 5, 2002
- Brian Dear, Founder & CEO, EVDB, Inc. — blogging since February 1, 2002
- Joseph DePalma, CEO, Vertora, Inc. — blogging since February 17, 2005
- Chad Dickerson, CTO, InfoWorld — blogging since January 25, 2003
- Ed Dodds, Founder & CEO, <e-dodds.communications/> — blogging { in a manner of speaking } since December 23, 1996
- Scott Dow, founder, The Empower Network, blogging since September 14, 2004
- John Dragoon, Chief Marketing Officer, Novell
- Michael Dunn, VP, Hearst Interactive Media — blogging since January 19, 2002
- Tim Dyson, CEO, Next Fifteen, blogging since November 11, 2004
- Richard Edelman, President & CEO, Edelman — blogging since September 29, 2004
- Demian Entrekin, CEO, Project Arena — blogging since july 20, 2005
- John Estafanous, President, Estco Medical — blogging since December 16, 2004
- Brad Feld, Mobius Venture Capital — blogging since May 4, 2004
- Bill Flitter, CEO of Pheedo — blogging since February 29, 2004
- John S Flowers, Founder, nCircle Network Security & kozoru, Inc. — blogging since Feb 1, 2003
- Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic — blogging since June 11, 2002
- Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Reputation Strategist, Weber Shandwick
- reputationXchange — blogging since May 20, 2006
- reputation*watch (November 18, 2005–May 20, 2006)
- Scott Gatz, Senior Director of Personalization Products, Yahoo! — blogging since October 1, 2005
- Bahar Gidwani, CEO, Index Stock Imagery — blogging since June 24, 2004
- Frank Gilbane, President and CEO, Bluebill Advisors, Inc. — blogging since January 8, 2005
- Kathleen Gilroy, CEO, The Otter Group — blogging since February 20, 2004
- David Geller, CEO, WhatCounts, blogging since February 15, 2005
- Frank Gens, Senior Vice President — Research, IDC
- Terry Gold, CEO, Gold Systems — blogging since November 12, 2004
- Steve Goldstein, CEO, Alacra — blogging since March 23, 2004
- Dave Gray, Founder & CEO, XPLANE — blogging since August 21, 2005
- Diane Greene, President, VMware, Inc. — blogging since April 2, 2006
- Rex Hammock, President of Hammock Publishing, Inc. — blogging since August 28, 2000
- Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs — MarketingProfs Daily Fix
- Christopher Hannegan, SVP, U.S. Director of Employee Engagement, Edelman — blogging since May 18, 2005
- Dick Hardt, Founder & CEO, Sxip Networks — blogging since May 1, 2004
- Peter Himler, President, Publicity Club of New York, Principal, Flatiron Communications, LLC — blogging since June 2004
- Gene Hoffman, Co-founder and CEO, Vindicia — blogging since September 5, 2001
- Bradley Horowitz, Director, Technology Development Group of Yahoo! Search & Marketplace — blogging, since February 16, 2006
- JB Holston, CEO of NewsGator — blogging since June 4, 2003
- John Honovich, CEO/President, MaxPPS (maximum level physical protection systems) — blogging since April 7, 2005
- Michael Hyatt, Thomas Nelson Publishers
- Working Smart — blogging since April 28, 2004
- From Where I Sit — since March 29, 2005
- Kingsley Idehen, Founder and CEO, OpenLink Software — blogging since May 5, 2003
- Salim Ismail, Chairman and Co-founder, PubSub — blogging since December 13, 2005
- F. Nicholas Jacobs, President & CEO, Windber Research Institute and Windber Medical Center — http://windberblog.typepad.com/
- Jeff Jaffe, CTO, Novell — blogging since April 3, 2006
- Jeff Jarvis, President & Creative Director of Advance.nett — blogging since September 23, 2001
- Leslie Jump, CEO, Jump Walker International Group — http://www.marketerblog.net/
- Adam Kalsey, VP, thinkSMALL Advertising Network — blogging since March 11, 2000
- Sab Kanaujia, VP, NBC Digital Media group — blogging since December 2, 2006
- Dave Kellogg, President and CEO, Mark Logic Corporation — blogging since August 22, 2005
- Michael Kempner, President/CEO, MWW Group
- Denise Klarquist, VP of Operations, Cheskin — blogging since March 4, 2003
- Eric Kintz, Vice President, Global Marketing Strategy & Excellence, Hewlett-Packard Company — blogging since April 5, 2006
- Joe Kraus, co-founder and CEO, JotSpot, blogging since September 14, 2004
- Pran Kurup, President & CEO, Vitalect Technologies, blogging since July 8, 2004
- Jim Lejeal, CEO, Oxlo Systems — blogging since Sept 1, 2004
- Ted Leonsis, Vice Chairman, America Online, blogging since January 4, 2006
- [1]Paul Levy, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA
- Jamie Lewis, CEO and Research Chair, Burton Group
- Phil Libin, CEO, Corestreet — blogging since February 2, 2004
- Bob Liodice, President and CEO, Association of National Advertisers — blogging since March 18, 2004
- Randy Littleson, VP, Marketing, Kinaxis — blogging since august 2005
- Steven Lubetkin, Managing Partner, Lubetkin & Co. Communications LLC, blogging since February 24, 2005.
- Bob Lutz, Vice Chairman, General Motors Corporation — blogging since January 5, 2005
- Kevin Lynch, Chief Software Architect, Macromedia — blogging since February 2, 2003
- Don MacAskill, CEO and Founder, smugmug — blogging since November, 1994 (entry lost to bitrot 🙁 )
- Kenneth D. Makovsky, President, Makovsky + Company — blogging since January 9, 2006
- John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Market — http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/blogs/jm/
- David Manaster, CEO, ERE Media, Inc — blogging since June 8, 2005
- Pat Matthews, CEO and Co-founder, Excedent Technologies & Webmail.us — blogging since October 7, 2004
- Tom Markiewicz, President & CEO, EvolvePoint, Inc. — http://www.tmarkiewicz.com/
- J. Willard Marriott Jr., CEO, Marriott International — http://www.blogs.marriott.com/
- Ross Mayfield, CEO, Socialtext — blogging since October 14, 2002
- Alan Meckler, CEO, Jupiter Media — blogging since December 6, 2003
- Robert Mendez, CEO, NetHawk Interactive — blogging since April 5, 2004
- Christopher Mengel, Razorwest: http://razorwest.typepad.com/marketing/
- Chris Mercer, CEO, Mercer Capital — blogging since April 2, 2005
- Lisa Meyers Brown, VP for Marketing, American Cancer Society’s Eastern Division, blogging since March 9, 2005
- Greg Milliken, CEO, Alibre, Inc.
- Ryan Money, CEO & Founder, HireVue, blogging since February 11, 2006
- Marty Morrow, CEO and founder, Quovix.com — blogging since 2002
- Vassil Mladjov, founder and CEO, Blogtronix — blogging since May 11, 2004
- Craig Newmark, customer service rep and founder, craigslist.org — blogging since September 11, 2003
- Ray Ozzie, former Founder, Chairman & CEO, Groove Networks — blogging since August 1, 2002; currently Chief Technical Officer of Microsoft, blogging at http://spaces.msn.com/members/rayozzie/Blog/
- Justin Rattner, CTO, Intel
- Tom O’Neill, CEO, Exodus Capital Advisors — blogging since April 25, 2005
- Kirsten Osolind, CEO, re:invention, inc. — blogging since July 11, 2003
- Katie Delahaye Paine, CEO, KDPaine& Partners, LLC — blogging since March 8, 2005
- Greg Papadopoulos, CTO, Sun Microsystems, blogging since February 7, 2005
- Bob Parsons, President, godaddy.com — blogging since December 16, 2004
- John R. Patrick, former Vice president of Internet Technology at IBM, on the boards of many organizations, including Opera Software, Jupiter Media and the Global Internet Project — blogging since August 17, 1997
- Michael Powell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — blogging since July 7, 2004
- … but is it a blog? Om Malik says it’s not. What do YOU think?
- Bob Pritchett, President, Logos Bible Software — blogging since August 14, 2003
- Jeff Pulver, CEO, Pulver.com — blogging since July 6, 2003
- Paul Purdue, President, iFulfill.com — blogging since May 2, 2005
- Kate Purmal, CEO, U3 — blogging since July 7, 2006
- Michael Pusateri, VP of Engineering, Disney ABC Cable Networks Group, blogging since January 21, 2000
- Peter Quintas, CTO, Silkware — blogging since April 21, 2004
- Darrel Rhea, Principal and CEO of Cheskin, blogging since April 9, 2003
- Glen Reid, CEO, Five Across — blogging since July 3, 2004
- Ed Roberto, CEO, Newmerix — blogging since Sept 30, 2004
- Will Ruch, Versant CEO and Managing Partner, blogging since March 1, 2005
- Eric Rudder, SVP Servers and Tools, Microsoft Corporation (the most senior Microsoft blogger?) — blogging since May 20, 2003
- Scott Ryan, CEO, architel — http://pd.architel.com/
- Andy Sack, CEO, Judy’s Book — blogging since Sept 17, 2004
- John Scherer, CEO & Founder, Video Professor, blogging since February 25, 2005
- Jonathan Schwartz, COO, Sun Microsystems — blogging since June 28, 2004
- Mark E. Seremet, CEO, Spreadshirt US — http://www.spreadshirtmedia.com/weblog/
- Steve Shu, COO, 21Publish — blogging since February 23, 2005
- Mark Sieczkarek, CEO, Conceptus Inc. — http://blog.conceptus.com/subtext/
- David Sifry, Founder and CEO of Technorati — blogging since January 8, 2002
- Steven Silvers, Principal and Director, GBSM — blogging since June 14, 2005
- Michael Smith, CEO, EntertainCom — blogging since March 10. 2005
- Anne Stanton, President and CEO, The Norwich Group — blogging since May 3, 2004
- Roger T. Staubach, chairman of the board and CEO, The Staubach Company — http://roger.staubach.com/
- Joshua Steimle, CEO, MWI — blogging since June 5, 2003
- Steven Streight, President, Streight Site Systems — blogging since May 31, 2004
- David Teten, CEO, Nitron Advisors — blogging since February 27, 2004
- Michael Tiemann, CTO, Red Hat
- Mena Trott, Co-founder and President, Six Apart — blogging since April 3, 2001
- Greg Verdino, VP/Emerging Channels, DIGITAS LLC
- Jeff Weiner, Senior VP of Search and Marketplace, Yahoo! — blogging since March 27, 2005
- Will Weider, CIO, Affinity Health Systems — blogging since June 7, 2003
- Alan L. Weinkrantz, President, Alan Weinkrantz And Company — blogging since December 1, 2004
- Joe Wikert, Vice President and Publisher, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Professional/Trade division, blogging since February 19, 2005
- Steve Wilson, Senior Director of Global Web Communications, McDonald’s — blogging since September 18, 2005
- Charlie Wood, VP of Enterprise Solutions, NewsGator Technologies
- Bob Wyman, CTO and co-founder, PubSub, blogging since September 2, 2003
- Lester Wunderman, Chairman Emeritus and Founder, Wunderman — blogging since September 20, 2006
- Hu Yoshida, VP and CTO, Hitachi Data Systems — blogging since October 20, 2005
- Scott Young, President and CEO, UserLand Software — blogging since November 17, 2003
Neville Hobson (14 August 2004):
Is there a list out there of corporate blogs? By this, I mean blogs like the one authored by Jonathan Schwartz, the President and Chief Operating Officer of Sun Microsystems — a blog by the business leader of an organization that’s written regularly (unlike some of the SAP executive blogs — no new stuff in most of them since May or June).
If one of the media resources I mentioned above took the lead in putting a list together, that list could be the authoritative list simply because it is there.
To Greg Gershman, the author of Blogdigger Groups.
- Constantin Basturea
- Steve Rubel
- Steve Lubetkin
- Brad Feld
- Loic Le Meur
- Marc Goldberg
- JC Latournerie
- Jean Luc Raymond
- Fabián Rodríguez
- Robb Hecht
- Neville Hobson
- Robin Dindayal
- Ross Wm. Rader
- Ronald Gruia
- Adriana Cronin-Lukas
- Gautam Ghosh
- Fredrik Wackå
- Jeneane Sessum
- Steven Streight
- Rob Cottingham
- who wrote what, and when
Other postings on the same idea:
- Stuart Henshall, Unbound Spirall, August 10, 2004
- Jeneane Sessum, allied, August 10, 2004
- Charles Coxhead, surfarama, August 11. 2004
- Corporate Blogs List
- Product Blogs List
- CEO Blogwatch — a blog by Brandon Cornett
- CEO Bloggers’ Club
- «The aim of this Club is to gather CEOs who believe in the blogosphere and its extraodinary potential and to offer them a place to share with other companies leaders the experimentation they are conducting thanks to weblogs.» (More)
- BlogWrite for CEOs
- A practical guide for CEO and senior exec. bloggers written by Debbie Weil who also authored The Corporate Blogging Book
Профессор УрГЭУ Ющук Евгений Леонидович
Мое мнение о том, для чего во многих случаях российским предприятиям на самом деле нужен корпоративный блог:
Корпоративный блог: взгляд на «теневую сторону Луны». Евгений Ющук, Александр Кузин
Корпоративный блог – «аптечка первой помощи» в кризисной ситуации. Александр Кузин, Евгений Ющук
Корпоративный блог – новый инструмент политических коммуникаций. Александр Кузин, Евгений Ющук
Боевой блоггинг — инструмент конкурентной разведки. Ющук Евгений Леонидович
Нюансы использования корпоративного блога